
Hi, I’m Priyanka!

Full-time SEO writer and a Pinterest Whizz kid. I spend half of my day scrolling Instagram and the other half writing and creating awesome pins for my Pinterest board.

About Me

Well, I believe perspectives are important, so when I am writing most of the times, I make sure I have a perspective to offer. I love fashion, lifestyle, eCommerce, travel and SEO-based writing, and because I have had an exposure in the field of digital marketing, mobile app development, eCommerce and hospitality, I am able to broaden the perspective when it comes to certain writing. This also helps me being fluid- I can write about other genres as well. For me, yes I want to climb ladders but I also want to be an authority on what I write about. I love being organised and keep myself updated, I am only getting better with time.

Wondering what makes me different?
Well, not only will I do the research to create an informative, shareable article with a dash of humor, but I have 5 years of experience as a content writer in the travel and digital marketing industries.
I can help give content a voice that will turn brands into a unicorn among a field of horses.

Blog Posts for Sports & Digital Marketing Industries
that get results & converts

For the past 6 years, I’ve been creating and writing EPIC POSTS THAT GOOGLE LOVES. I’ve spent hours studying & implementing:

Best SEO Practices

All the content I deliver is carefully planned out to ensure that you’ll be able to reach the top of Google’s search results.

Keyword Research

Content is what brings your site to the top of google searches, so I make it as keyword-rich as possible (without unnecessarily stuffing).

How NOT to Write Content

I spend hours researching, scouring industry blogs and case studies, studying commonly employed ad copy, and implementing my findings in every manner of content I produce.

You know the content that you have been creating, but isn’t ranking or attracting any business? It’s time to say good-bye to it.

Want to connect?

Want to grab a virtual coffee, geek out over dogs and fries while solving your content woes? Send me an email and let’s start talking about transforming your content marketing strategy into some LEGEN-DARY!

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