Essential beauty tips for the lady travellers


Do you want to look best during your vacation but confused about th? Well, don’t you worry about this, we understand how important it is to look your best during your holiday photos, to state the facts, looking best is in basically every girls’ priority. And I don’t blame you! Trust me. But sometimes travelling with beauty products make the experience horrendous. Resutlantly, you pledge and decide to not travel with a bunch of products, next time. But oh lady, only if you stood up on what you decided because as a girl, I know the truth. *PLEDGE TO NOT TRAVEL WITH BEAUTY PRODUCTS*  is just a false claim which can never going to happen. But that’s fine! Who am I you to judge.

Therefore, just to help my beauty queens, I decided, (which I am implementing as well bdw, not just a talk :D) to write a blog and share some ideas that will help every girl out there useful while travelling with makeup pouches.  Just hoping this will help you out.

Say Yes to Pouches

The first thing that should keep in mind while travelling is to pack your items properly. And if it is your makeup items, obviously you need a perfect space to keep it in our bag. Better buy a good pouch for all your cosmetics. This small cute pouch obviously does not take much of your bag space and can easily be kept.

Avoid keeping extra makeup things in the bag. Usually, a pouch is the best option for all your makeup essentials, especially while travelling.

One product so many Use

Why carry unnecessary products, when you can use one product in multiple ways. CONFUSED? Have you ever tried lipstick/ lip gloss as a blusher? Linear as a Mascara? No? Well, then you can try it, a lipstick/lip gloss can also be used as a blusher and it doesn’t mean that you have to use in a large quantity, just rub a little lipstick/lip gloss from your finger and then rub that finger at your cheeks. Your rosy cheeks are ready. And yes, you can also use it as an eyeshadow.

These products are for multi-purpose, so better use it in a best possible way.

Note: Always use good quality of products.

Plan around your Outfits

If you have already planned your outfits then do know what makeup things you should carry with your outfits. If you are planning to go somewhere for a night party and packed a dark colour dress, use darker colour shades for makeup.

Always plan ahead, this will actually help you a lot and you will not end up packing useless things for your travel.

Never ever bring new products

This is the most important point in this article. Don’t ever take new products  while travelling, why go to such an extent to take a risk. I understand that you are very much excited to hop into a new city and want to take all new things with you but it is better to keep new makeup aside and go with the the one you rely on usually.

You never know how your skin reacts to that specific product. It’s better to take products you already knew earlier other than taking new products and ruin your skin as well as vacation.

Use facial wipes 

Instead of carrying a heavy spillable bottle of face wash, try using facial wipes. It’s not only easy to carry with you but also facial cleansing wipes are great at removing makeup and dirt from your face.

You can easily carry them in your bag while travelling.

Ziplock? Of course!

Zip locks are always a good travel essential. These plastic bags are perfect for you to keep shampoo, conditioner and moisturiser bottles. If you fail to buy zip locks then don’t get shocked when you see your all beautiful clothes ruined by shampoo and moisturiser. After all, you never know when these bottles get explodes.

Be a smart traveller and choose to put all your bottles and spillable things in that ziplock. Put them with a confidence in your suitcase.

Reuse small plastic bottles

Small plastic bottles are always a good option to keep, especially when you are travelling. There are many things that comes in the large bottle; like shampoo, moisturiser, conditioner and keeping heavy bottles in your suitcase is absolutely a headache for everyone.

Use reusable plastic bottles, or you can easily buy it from any local store and pour your shampoo, moisturiser in that bottles and keep them in a plastic bag. In this way, you have a lot of space in your bag.

Handy Perfume

If you cannot spend a day without using your favourite perfume, what I recommend you is to use handy perfumes while travelling, especially in summer.

You can keep it in your bag and take it with you everywhere and apply it when you most feel it is necessary. With these handy perfumes, you smell good all day.

Use Dry Shampoo

One thing that every girl wishes while travelling is that their hair throughout the trip behaves well and stays well. But not every girl is lucky enough, eventually, at the end of the day, greasy scalp irritate us so much, we end up washing our hair the very next day.

But thanks to Dry Shampoo, they are actually a saviour for you, want to know why? Well, if you are travelling with schedules and did not want to waste your time washing your hair, Dry Shampoo is definitely a good option to consider. Plus, they give you blowout bouncy and fresh look for a perfect picture.

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