Time Flies!

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I just can’t believe I logged into my Blog to write after after soooo long! Time flies indeed… There has been so many changes in life! Sometimes even you don’t realize how drastically your life changes in a years time though you just feel its only 365 days! 
Coming to updating you guys… The changes or developments in these years are- I have left my travel company! Being with parents for a few days vacation was fun!. Got placed in an eCommerce agency. The work structure, cubicles, woah, everything is new to me. It’s funny how I still find all these professional workplace set up new, considering I have already stepped into the industry two years ago.

But yes, of course, happy to got selected for such a position with all my Efforts! 18th Technology is the name of the company! Never thought, a random call for Interview when I am in a mall shopping would change everything!  Patience PAYS! My first day was good and surprising too! An incident happened! Suddenly my HR asks me for my beautiful pic, I had no idea why she wanted? Thankfully I gave her my decent pic!  During lunch what I see is suddenly I can see my pic on my colleagues PC and they turning back to see if I am the same chick whose having lunch with specs on! Those cluster of guys started giggling and men are men…started commenting…”mail check mail check! I got it. It’s the Welcome mail to the whole office! Freak! Never felt so many faces staring at me! Embarrassed and laughing on my own self! Everyone knew me now! My head didn’t needed any introduction speech for me to give!

Not to forget, my team is real fun to work with! Thank god I am here! Balance between Fun and Pressure of work is what it is! Games, outings, lunch with the music to groove on! Its awesome! 

Sorry for not giving it a full stop. Writing after so long makes me go on and on. Its as if I am talking to myself!

Many more new developments! Sudden development of my cousin’s engagement brought happiness in the whole family. Seeing everything right on place during the function, is itself a Happy Moment! 
 And many more new development on the way! That’s all about my updates after a long time.
Sometimes random writing is fun too. Not necessarily on specific topics always!
‘Random is fun’ too 🙂 
Thanks for bearing! Hope you Enjoyed!:)

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