What Makes Amazon Connect (AWS Public Cloud) Different?

You’ve heard us talk about the cloud a lot—for a good reason! The cloud can do so many things for you and your business, but getting started can be confusing, particularly when several cloud service providers are already availablein the market.

This post will talk about one such provider, namely AWS. In this post, you will understand the different things about the AWS Public Cloud.    

Two things about AWS—it’s a public cloud, and it’s popular! Besides, it offers a breadth of services that allow companies to use technology for almost any scenario, enabling them to focus on innovating and improving their core business. This blogpost will highlight several features of AWS Public Cloud, which are unique compared to private cloud. 

When Amazon announced its new cloud-based contact center service, it faced lots of skepticism, and not many people favored Amazon Connect. This is the thing of the past, however. Much has changed now and will continue to change when it comes to feature functionality. Let’s understand the top five things that are different about Amazon Connect (AWS Public Cloud) from a private cloud-based connect center.


Amazon Connect runs on Amazon’s public cloud infrastructure and can be defined as a “cloud contact center.” The mentionedterminology possibly helpsdifferentiate it from traditional contact centers, which are comprised mainly of physical hardware and systems. Instead, Amazon Connect is software-based and lives in the cloud. Think of it as an on-demand application running in the same cloud that other AWS services (e.g., Alexa and Kindle) use today. 

Let’s have a look at what makes AWS Public Cloud Different.


The traditional contact center comprises disparate technologies that are purchased and integrated at different times. As a result, organizations rearrange several multi-year maintenance schedules that create technology lock-in and heavy dependencies. These deep integrations generate much technical work and put businesses in a fragile negotiating situation. 

Amazon Connect brought a change in this dynamic. No contracts, no minimum monthly fees, or upfront payments are there, only a set of open and available tools. Besides, there’s no lock-in at all, i.e., no long-term commitments, no multi-year contracts, no data lock-in, no integration lock-in -just the autonomy to use the tools you need whenever you need them.


In a private cloud, you have to plan for demand spikes and construct the infrastructure based on it. And because Amazon Connect runs on Amazon’s public cloud, no hardware deployment or management is required. In addition, it is available on-demand. 

Due to this reason, scalability becomes a breeze. With AWS, you can quickly onboard tens of thousands of agents and scale back down without having to talk to a salesperson, manage telephony circuits, or send out an RFP.
But Amazon does ask the user to notify them if they will experience a significant jump in scale. 


Being an open platform, you can integrate Amazon Connect with other contact center technologies. Or you can take advantage of the AWS ecosystem to get more out of your customer and company data. 

In the traditional contact center, each system has its module and reporting database, making it tricky to pull out the necessary information, compare it and analyze it. On the other hand, using Amazon Connect allows you to access all data and tools in real-time. Like, users can use Amazon S3 to store call recordings and can control data’s lifecycle. Besides, you can even process the data immediately with Amazon Kinesis and use CloudWatch to raise the alarm.


Due to data and applications in Silos in a private cloud, traditional contact centers are faced with delivering omnichannel customer service. Each touchpoint functions separately, with its dataset. Amazon Connect breaks the obstacles between these touchpoints by removing the need to integrate data silos separately. All the data in Amazon Connect is available in real-time across the entire network. 


Setting up in a private cloud takes months and requires constant coordination across several departments. Amazon Connect is straightforward, and its graphical interface has a continuous look and feel across the AWS network, making it easy to set up and manage. 

How BizCloud Experts Can Provide You New Digital Experiences with Amazon Connect

The team at BizCloud Experts can transform your enterprise contact center with Amazon Connect into a dynamic, tailored customer experience that delivers practical business upshots. Our expert team can assist you in migrating your existing infrastructure to Amazon Connect and provide the best solution to integrate with Amazon Lambda, Amazon Lex, and other third-party solutions.

BizCloud Experts can help you build a stronger relationship with your customers, increase conversion and reduce costs. Let’s work together and provide you with a Customer Digital Experience, which is scalable and personalized to your business needs. 

For any professional help to build new services to improve customer experience, contact us today! https://www.bizcloudexperts.com/contact-us/ 

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