AI-Powered PPC: Should You or Should You Not Give It A Go?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been one of the top buzzwords over the last few years. We have been hearing about how businesses from different industries are improving their operational efficiency and productivity with AI integration. The marketing sector hasn’t also remained untouched by the powerful AI wave and, in fact, has seen a substantial impact of the technology like no other field.

Search advertising relies heavily on data from inventory sources to keywords and additional aspects including geo, time, audiences and device. Each datum about a customer helps unlock thousands of marketing and sales opportunities. This copious amount of information swashing around can be difficult for humans to manually process, even with the best professional by your side.

AI is uniquely suited to process complex data bits and build predictive models to help make fruitful decisions around bid and budget allocation to drive maximum ROI.

Even with increasingly growing popularity and usage, however, many marketers are unable to leverage AI properly to boost their search advertising outcomes. So here we have compiled a few ways to make your PPC ads more effective with artificial intelligence. Remember that hiring PPC services of an experienced professional or company is still paramount to get the most out of AI-powered PPC advertising.

Define clear goals

AI only takes on the data processing part, business goals and decisions are still to be made by humans. While optimising to a cost per action (lead, sale or registration) may be best for some marketers, others might want big returns on ad spend.

So, think about why you want to run PPC campaigns and what you want to achieve out of them and then use AI to reach those goals.

Pause Poorly Performing Ads

The quickest way to drain your advertising budget is to keep bidding on ads that are not bringing in expected ROI. In addition, continuing to bid on PPC ads that are scoring bids but not clicks, can also take a drag on your quality score, costing you a lot of money.

An AI-powered tool can help you determine when it’s time to pause an ad that’s hurting your ROI or quality score.

Automate Bidding

Bidding too low means missing out on the potential for sales leads and marketing possibilities and biding too high means sacrificing ROI.

AI allows marketers to adjust PPC bids autonomously in order to eliminate the possibility of bidding too low or high. There are a number of tools that allow you to adjust your bids automatically in response to marketplace dynamics including Bing and Google Ads. However, no matter the tool you choose for automated bidding, you will still need to keep a tab on the results and closely monitor your spending as automatic bids can overrun your budget or may even fail to meet your ROI goals.

The Takeaway

Integrating AI with your PPC advertising will help you push boundaries and meet your ROI expectations. Dig into your analytical data in order to check up on the results and be able to make required changes for maximum output.

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